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Los Angeles to New York flights

Los Angeles to New York flights


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*Note: All fares are quoted in USD.
Last updated on Thu May-16-2024 at 05:00 AM, the fares mentioned above are for Round Trip flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, Privacy policy. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.

Los Angeles to New York flights

If you are planning an exquisite trip from Los Angeles to New York, then there is no better platform than to book your airline flight tickets. Ticketofares offers an extensive and broad range of airline flight tickets for domestic or international routes. Here you will get the best deals on, Los Angeles to New York flights.

Book your cost-effective Los Angeles to New York flights with 

The lowest airfare is $186.82, and the average airfare is $79. Well, these prices are not specific. These prices will fluctuate. So we suggest you book your Lax to New York whenever you are confirming your date and time.

About New York 

New York is the most popular city in the United States of America. It is one of the most populous cities in the United States. The city is comprised of five boroughs. New York is also famous for its attractions. There are many world-class museums, restaurants’, shopping, and nightlife.

Most visited attractions in New York 

The Statue of Liberty 

The Statue of Liberty, known as Lady Liberty, symbolizes freedom from slavery since October 28, 1886. It is one of the most visited places to explore in New York. This is a statue of the Renaissance gifted by France to America.

Time of square 

Located on Broadway, 7th Avenue is cornered by 42nd and 47th streets.  It is one of the major commercial intersections, tourist destinations, and entertainment hubs. However, New York renamed it Times Square.

Central Park 

This Central Park is the fifth-largest urban park in New York City, situated between the upper west and upper east sides of Manhattan. It is one of the most attractive destinations for visitors.

Broadway and the theater district 

Broadway is the name of the oldest north-south running diagonal road that begins from State Street at Bowling Green. The theater district is an area in midtown Manhattan, New York, where 41 major Broadways are located. 

Empire-state building 

Empire state of building is 102-story art deco. It is one of the modernist skyscrapers. This building is named after the nickname of New York, Empire State.  One of the most distinctive and famous buildings in the United States of America. 

Brooklyn Bridge 

The Brooklyn Bridge is a cable-stayed suspension bridge that connects the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. It was the first bridge to evaluate steel for cable wires. 

New York Airport Address information

John. F. Kennedy International Airport

Queens, NY 11430, USA 


Booking your cheap , flights from lax to New York, with, with our easy-to-use booking process and various discounts and promotions, you can find the perfect flight at a budget-friendly price.


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