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New York to Detroit flights

New York to Detroit flights


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*Note: All fares are quoted in USD.
Last updated on Thu May-16-2024 at 05:00 AM, the fares mentioned above are for Round Trip flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, Privacy policy. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.

New York to Detroit flights

Are you planning a trip from New York to Detroit? Yet not able to discover the numerous deals that cater to your budget at Here you will find the cheapest airfares on New York to Detroit flights. At Ticketofares, there are spontaneous deals in the coherence of just one relevant.

Book your low-cost flights from JFK to Dtw with

The lowest airfare for JFK to Dtw is $215.99, and the average airfare is $257.97. Well, all these prices are not stated as given; they fluctuate in a couple of days. So it’s better to book your deal whenever you get confirmation about your date and time.

About Detroit 

Detroit is known as a fascinating city. It is a diverse city with an intriguing history. Detroit has plenty of options to explore the attractions in Detroit. It is known as Motor City, whether you are interested in cars, music, art, or history. Here we have listed the major famous attractions in Detroit.

The most visited attractions in Detroit 

Motown Museum 

It may sound like the mumble of cars, but it is not. This is the recording studio where many of the legendary musicians shot, such as King of Pop Michael Jackson. Visits are allowed to take your personal guide tours, which will take around an hour and a half to complete.

Mexican town 

Just as Chinatown is the same as Mexican town, it is famous all over the city. You will find it in Detroit. Despite that, it has an inspiring history.  The other major reason was that many of those families had escaped from the revolution and assertion.

Lake Erie

It is the smallest lake of four lakes in Michigan. Lake Erie is known for its sport fishing, mainly yellow perch. The park has River Basin National Battle Shield Park and was recently created to preserve the battle of the war in 1812. 

Belle Isle 

The Belle Isle Aquarium is one of the oldest aquariums in America. When the aquarium was opened, it was the third largest in the world. The water in the aquarium is directly shipped from ocean water and houses the largest collection of air-breathing fish in the world.

Henry for Mueusem 

The mueusem in Dearborn was to carry forward his legend and preserve the history of Ford. This museum is the largest in the entire USA, so make sure you allocate sufficient time for it. 

Detroit metropolitan airport. 

Romulus, MI 48242

United States of America

2500 World Gateway Place, Detroit, MI 48242


If you are traveling for a leisurely trip from JFK to Dtw or a business trip, don’t hesitate to book at the lowest prices, deal with, and get a memorable journey. We deal within an affordable price range and serve customers across the globe.


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